March 19, 2012

One Word: pageant

This was beautiful.

A pageant? I am not entering a FUCKING pageant. But she was looking at me, and her face was all pouty, and with complete disregard for my own mascuilinity, I apprehensively agreed. I would do anything for her. Not gonna lie. And I totally hated myself for it. I am such a sadally masachistic bastard. A sissy. A pussy. I essentially have no balls.

March 15, 2012

New novel idea

Real quick. Im thinking of doing a dystopian novel in 4 points of view. First second and the two thirds.

March 9, 2012

Fortunes and Ophelia Lovegood and Prostitutes Named Delilah

Yes, it's time to start planning for NaNoWriMo 2012 and Camp NaNo 2012. Woohoo! Here's what I have planned for each event. Scene excerpts will follow shortly:

Camp Nano: So this year for Camp NaNoWriMo, I'm doing a special exploration into the life of one of my favorite character in my book: Delilah Gallagher. Her emotions, her situation, and he tragic end are just so appealing to write about. How can I resist? And a special focus on familial relationships and the special bond that can develop between siblings when parents aren't being parents? It's just too good to resist!!! I have a handwritten excerpt that started this whole idea when I was chilling in bio. I'll type it up maybe later tonight.

NaNo '12: This idea is what makes me proud to be a writer. Like, honestly. I wanted to think of something creative but also create an enriching writing excerpt that will teach me to just improv instead of focusing on the details. You know? So I'm leaving the direction of my story up to fate, to fortune. And that's when it hit me. Fortune cookies. Much like Fortuna, I am spinning the wheel of fate to see what lays ahead for my lovely promiscuous protagonist Ophelia Lovegood, her adorkable best friend Shay (Sparky) and Brendan, the variable who happened to save her life in the subway and seemed to want to stick around. Can't wait to write some excerpts and get some character personalities developed, but as for the real deal, all my chapters will be steered by a random fortune cookie fortune. Genius!

I also have a rant I've been working on to post. I should get on that. :)

One Word: dismissed

Class is dismissed. What beautiful words! I run over bunches of peoples to get out the door. I hate first grade. I don't want to go back again. No rainbow rug. No fun time. Why not? I want to be a little kid again. I want alphabet lessons and story time and play time and nap time. I don't want no formal lessons.

March 7, 2012


Guess what time of year it is! Oh my god, it's March and I haven't discussed my Script Frenzy yet. To clarify, SF is not San Fran, it's this thing where we crazy writers write 100 page screenplays in 30 days.

Last year I wrote my shitty first movie. This year I'm writing my hopefully not shitty first play. About what? Well, I was sitting in APUSHII like maybe a month ago and our teacher was explaining the Nazi regime in German. And she told me something that both disturbed me and awed me. Germans stole blond Czechoslavakian children and placed them in German homes. The wheels started turning and I thought about Berlin. I thought about the anti-gay genocide during the Nazi regime. And I had an idea.

This will be my last focused LGBTQ project for a while. I'm a little sick of it. Not sick, but I want to explore other things. So I'm going out with a bang. I was originally gonna do a musical, but I can't write songs for shit so there goes that idea.

My 2012 Script Frenzy (I don't have a title. Suggestions anyone?) is about Rudy, a ten year old boy who was taken from his family in Prague by German officers. He's placed in the home of a German family who has a twelve year old son named Oliver. The two become the best of friends and I think it's pretty clear what begins to happen. I've started research (the best part of writing a book) and I don't know if you can do this with plays (but I'm gonna do it anyway) I want to insert snippets of things about Berlin and the adult world while these kids are unaware of what's totally going on. And of course they're members of Hitler Youth and oh my god, I can't fucking wait to write this! Till April...

One Word:

God, I love these.

"Now, would anyone like to demonstrate?" The teacher asked. God, it was so innocently said. She had not a clue what we were really talking about in the back of class. Okay, I'll admit it. I took dance to check out chicks. Not gonna lie there. So any time she needed someone to show off, I knew it was time to shine. God, how divine it is to be a straight male dancer.

I have no clue where that came from. But it's interesting. Definite possibility for camp NaNoWriMo or My NaNoWriYe next year.

Hello world!

I'm back. My mom dragged me off the computer butninjust wanted to let the good people who still believe in my existence that I'm back and this time, here to stay.

Sorry to cut things off abruptly but here are my plans for today: a new one word, a scene from my next novel, and a rant on America. Appropriate the day after super tuesday. I should sleep. Later!