March 7, 2012


Guess what time of year it is! Oh my god, it's March and I haven't discussed my Script Frenzy yet. To clarify, SF is not San Fran, it's this thing where we crazy writers write 100 page screenplays in 30 days.

Last year I wrote my shitty first movie. This year I'm writing my hopefully not shitty first play. About what? Well, I was sitting in APUSHII like maybe a month ago and our teacher was explaining the Nazi regime in German. And she told me something that both disturbed me and awed me. Germans stole blond Czechoslavakian children and placed them in German homes. The wheels started turning and I thought about Berlin. I thought about the anti-gay genocide during the Nazi regime. And I had an idea.

This will be my last focused LGBTQ project for a while. I'm a little sick of it. Not sick, but I want to explore other things. So I'm going out with a bang. I was originally gonna do a musical, but I can't write songs for shit so there goes that idea.

My 2012 Script Frenzy (I don't have a title. Suggestions anyone?) is about Rudy, a ten year old boy who was taken from his family in Prague by German officers. He's placed in the home of a German family who has a twelve year old son named Oliver. The two become the best of friends and I think it's pretty clear what begins to happen. I've started research (the best part of writing a book) and I don't know if you can do this with plays (but I'm gonna do it anyway) I want to insert snippets of things about Berlin and the adult world while these kids are unaware of what's totally going on. And of course they're members of Hitler Youth and oh my god, I can't fucking wait to write this! Till April...

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