March 9, 2012

Fortunes and Ophelia Lovegood and Prostitutes Named Delilah

Yes, it's time to start planning for NaNoWriMo 2012 and Camp NaNo 2012. Woohoo! Here's what I have planned for each event. Scene excerpts will follow shortly:

Camp Nano: So this year for Camp NaNoWriMo, I'm doing a special exploration into the life of one of my favorite character in my book: Delilah Gallagher. Her emotions, her situation, and he tragic end are just so appealing to write about. How can I resist? And a special focus on familial relationships and the special bond that can develop between siblings when parents aren't being parents? It's just too good to resist!!! I have a handwritten excerpt that started this whole idea when I was chilling in bio. I'll type it up maybe later tonight.

NaNo '12: This idea is what makes me proud to be a writer. Like, honestly. I wanted to think of something creative but also create an enriching writing excerpt that will teach me to just improv instead of focusing on the details. You know? So I'm leaving the direction of my story up to fate, to fortune. And that's when it hit me. Fortune cookies. Much like Fortuna, I am spinning the wheel of fate to see what lays ahead for my lovely promiscuous protagonist Ophelia Lovegood, her adorkable best friend Shay (Sparky) and Brendan, the variable who happened to save her life in the subway and seemed to want to stick around. Can't wait to write some excerpts and get some character personalities developed, but as for the real deal, all my chapters will be steered by a random fortune cookie fortune. Genius!

I also have a rant I've been working on to post. I should get on that. :)

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